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The second debate between the Democratic candidates for president brought no surprises. Clinton is the front-runner and will remain in first place. But it did expose how she is stuck between defending president Obama’s policies and charting her own course for the Middle East.

Clinton could have used this debate to summarize clearly her accomplishments as Secretary of State, but instead she was defensive explaining – as an example – how the creation of ISIS was more a Bush product than Obama. And that defense isn’t going to work with voters in 2016. Bernie Sanders blasted Clinton for her vote in favor of the war in Iraq (nothing new, she was attacked by John Edwards for the same vote in 2008) but I don’t see that hindering her in a Democratic race.

Clinton did mention her role in helping capture Osama bin Ladin, but that came late in the debate long after discussion on current events in the Middle East and who is responsible for them.

Glass–Steagall (a law preventing firms from being
involved in commercial and investment banking) was widely discussed, but my view is that most voters have never heard of it and fewer consider it a major issue.

Martin O’Malley had a solid debate performance, but Americans – including most Democrats – still have no clue who he is. He may be auditioning for a cabinet position if Hillary wins.

Sanders refused again to address Clinton’s emails, although they are being investigated by the FBI. That seems odds to me considering it’s a legitimate issue until they clear her of any wrongdoing. Sanders is falling in the polls, and his performance did little to turn that around.

The winner of the debate was moderator John Dickerson who asked tough questions in a firm yet fair way. It also points out how much better a debate is between three voices than eight or thirteen.

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