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Hillary Clinton should have known better.

Her recklessness on the security of her emails as Secretary of State raises serious questions of whether she has the expertise necessary to be president in 2017.

It’s just that serious.

I’ve voiced my opinion many times this past decade: Any government official who does not understand technology, and its security, in this technological age should not have decision making authority. Period.

And that’s not just Clinton. But about all of our elected and appointed officials, Democrat or Republican, regardless of age or experience.

How many times have we heard senators and congressmen and judges giggle about the fact they’ve never sent an email? How many can’t explain an iPhone? Some of them are still proud that they use a typewriter to send official correspondence.

None of that is funny. Especially when you’re making the laws, and decisions for the world, in this age of technology.

The former First Lady and two-term U.S. Senator from New York should have questioned her staff on how secure her emails would be working from her home server as Secretary of State.

A new State Department report concluded this week that Clinton violated federal record rules:

“At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department issues before leaving government service. Because she did not do so, she did not comply with the State Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act.”

The audit also condemned Clinton’s decision to send “emails from a personal account to other employees at their Department accounts is not an appropriate method of preserving any such emails that would constitute a federal record.”

Clinton is one of the smartest politicians in Washington. She certainly knew the value of emails to communicate with her staff, and fellow world leaders, but she seemingly never asked whether her non-government server could be hacked.

When you’re the face of America around the world, that’s a huge mistake.

Clinton has admitted as such:  “As I look back at it now, even though it was allowed, I should have used two accounts. That was a mistake. I’m sorry about that. I take responsibility,” said Clinton.

Clinton’s admission is valuable in this age of denying everything and taking responsibility for nothing.

But let’s be clear: This is not just a Hillary Clinton problem. This is a widespread government problem.

When it comes to internet security, experts for 60 Minutes, including John Herin, co-founder of the mobile security company Lookout, conclude that every governmental official and agency is at risk.

60 Minutes: Is everything hackable?

John Hering: Yes.

60 Minutes: Everything?

Hering: Yes.

60 Minutes: If somebody tells you, “You can’t do it.”

Hering: I don’t believe it.

Hering then took about 10 minutes to hack the phone of Congressman Ted Lieu. He heard every word the California representative was saying.

Clinton’s lack of concern about internet security is a wake up call for everyone. Unfortunately, not everyone is running for president, and this lapse of judgement on her part is a legitimate issue for Donald Trump and Republicans come fall.


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