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With Hillary Clinton at 75 percent of the delegates she needs to clinch the Democratic nomination, and the clock ticking until she smashes Bernie Sanders in the huge New York presidential primary, the Independent turned Democratic socialist from Vermont is beginning to sound the desperation horn.

At a rally in Philadelphia, Sanders questioned whether Clinton, the former two-term U.S. senator from New York and Secretary of State, is “qualified” to be president.

“Secretary Clinton has been saying lately that she thinks that I am quote unquote not qualified to be president,” said Sanders. “I don’t believe that she is qualified. If she is, through her super PAC taking tens of millions of dollars in special interest funds!”

The Clinton team quickly fired back.

Spokesman Brian Fallon then demanded Sanders offer an apology:

Making things worse for Sanders, the Washington Post gave him “three pinocchios” for truthfulness. “Sanders is putting words in Clinton’s mouth,” the article reads. “She never said “quote unquote” that he was not qualified to be president. In fact, she diplomatically went out of her way to avoid saying that, without at the same time saying he was qualified.”

Sanders still has a lot of money, so his campaign could go down in the coming weeks in one giant negative blaze of glory.

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