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Nearly seventy percent of Americans believe presidential candidates should be required to release their tax returns according to a new poll released this morning. And that includes six of ten Republicans.

Richard Nixon released his tax returns. So did Ronald Reagan, George Bush, his son George W., John McCain and Mitt Romney.

But not Donald Trump.

Because something is terribly wrong. And he doesn’t want voters to know what it is.

Two weeks ago I told you what I thought he is hiding. A net wealth that is vastly under what he has been claiming. Sure, a tax return won’t give us a full picture of his assets, but it will certainly help us cross compare with what he has been claiming.

What is almost a certainty is that he has been paying nearly nothing in taxes. This morning his press secretary Cory Lewandowski gave us a clue of what’s coming, “Mr. Trump is proud to pay a lower tax rate. The lowest tax rate possible.”

That probably means zero. As in Trump, the self-proclaimed ten billion dollar man, hasn’t paid a dime into veterans services or our national defense.

Let that sink in a moment. While middle class working families have been paying their share of taxes to help our society, the billionaire Trump has not.

Somewhere on a deserted island Thurston Howell III and his wife Lovey are so proud.

Trump’s tax returns would also confirm the many charitable contributions he’s been claiming he made to veterans through the years. If he’s been lying to our veterans that should make him morally ineligible to be Commander In Chief.

Perhaps Trump said it best himself four years ago when talking about Romney: “If you didn’t see the tax returns you’d think there’s almost like something wrong.  What’s wrong?”



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