Donald Trump has derided other politicians for reading prepared remarks off of teleprompters. In fact, he has said, “if you’re running for president you shouldn’t be allowed to use a teleprompter.”
Just last week he criticized Hillary Clinton for using the word machine in a tweet (misspelling teleprompter):
Bad performance by Crooked Hillary Clinton! Reading poorly from the telepromter! She doesn’t even look presidential!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 2, 2016
But tonight, facing defections in his own party and criticism over recent remarks, Trump changed his mind and use the dreaded teleprompter.
Unsurprisingly, social media went crazy:
“If you run for Pres you shouldn’t be allowed to use teleprompters,because you don’t know if guy is smart.”Donald Trump.Tonight?teleprompter
— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) June 8, 2016
Teleprompter trump is funny because he reads a couple lines then he ad libs to emphasize what he just read, but this time in his own voice.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) June 8, 2016
Trump speaking from a teleprompter is like a scene from an Amazon comedy series where Donald Trump is running for President.
— Ryan J. Davis (@RyanNewYork) June 8, 2016
Jeb had more energy than “low-energy TeleTrump!” #trump #teleprompter
— ryanaber (@ryanaber) June 8, 2016
The TelePrompTer is working! Donald Trump sounds like a real politician: boring, cliche-ridden, stilted.
— Nicholas Thompson (@nxthompson) June 8, 2016
“We’re all suffering bigly,” says #DonaldTrump while speaking off TelePrompTer.
— David Earl (@DavidEarlLive) June 8, 2016
The fact that #Trump sucked so badly on the #TelePrompTer wouldn’t even be a THING if he hadn’t busted everyone else’s balls for the same.
— Samantha Tyler (@BwitchedOne) June 8, 2016
#TeleprompTer #Trump the hypocrite criticised others for using a teleprompter and used one today. He sounded horrible, robotic not sincere!
— Ernest Salgado (@SalgadoErnest) June 8, 2016
Donald Trump reading from a teleprompter is like listening to Alan from The Hangover read his toast to the Wolfpack on the Caesar’s rooftop.
— aRod (@aRod_says) June 8, 2016
Trump reading from a TelePrompter is always pretty low energy
— Hunter Schwarz (@hunterschwarz) June 8, 2016
Teleprompter Donald is twisting his head as if he’s watching a tennis match.
— Harold Itzkowitz (@HaroldItz) June 8, 2016