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Another day and more Republicans are fleeing the Donald Trump campaign.

Saying that it is “frightening” to “imagine Donald Trump in charge of our armed forces,” former Sen. Gordon Humphrey (R-NH) has announced he’s backing Hillary Clinton for president.

“I am ever more confirmed in my belief that Trump is a sociopath, without a conscience or feelings of guilt, shame or remorse,” said Humphrey. “And he is pathologically insecure, recklessly attacking anyone who does not confirm him as the best there is.”

Humphrey was a conservative icon in Congress during the Reagan and Bush era.

Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, an up-and-comer in the GOP, has also announced he cannot vote for Trump in November.

“Donald Trump is beginning to cross a lot of red lines of the unforgivable in politics,” said Kinzinger. “I’m not going to support Hillary, but in America we have the right to skip somebody. That’s what it’s looking like for me today. I don’t see how I get to Donald Trump anymore.”

Rep. Mike Coffman of Colorado is criticizing Trump in a new TV ad, running in his Denver area district in both English and Spanish.

“People ask me, ‘What do you think about Trump?’” Coffman says in the ad. “Honestly, I don’t care for him much.”

Billionaire Seth Klarman, president and CEO of The Baupost Group who backed Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Marco Rubio, said today he finds Trump “shockingly unacceptable,” and that he will “continue to find ways to support Hillary Clinton.”

A new Fox News poll shows Clinton leading Trump nationally by nine points. Individual battleground states showing her now leading in all of them.

“If he has more weeks like the dreadful past two, the gap between him and Mrs. Clinton is likely to widen and never close again,” said Fox News analyst Karl Rove.

Today’s GOP defections add to an already growing list of the mass exodus from the Trump campaign.

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