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A man who is well known for being on the shady side of conservative politics, has released a new video showing the shady side of liberal politics.

Putting the dramatic music and grainy special effects aside, there is no question that these Democratic operatives were planning to disrupt Donald Trump rallies.

Project Veritas Action Video

First, it’s important to know who produced this overly dramatic video and its purpose 19 days before the election.

James O’Keefe pops up every election year with strategically edited video footage which, in the past, has created false accusations about people.  In 2010 he plead guilty to a misdemeanor for breaking into former Louisiana Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu’s office to tamper with her phone. That’s creepy.

Three years later, in 2013, he paid $100,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by a former ACORN employee, after O’Keefe produced heavily edited videos that led to some employees being fired. Despite O’Keefe’s accusations, prosecutors found no evidence of any wrongdoing.

O’Keefe is back again this year with more heavily edited undercover footage of Democratic operatives talking about inciting violence at Trump rallies. In the video, operatives take credit for a March 11th melee in Chicago which prompted Secret Service officials to call off Trump’s downtown rally due to security concerns.

That goes beyond dirty politics. It’s pure sleaze.

“It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker,” said Scott Foval, national field director of Americans United for Change. “One of the things we do is we stage very authentic grassroots protests right in their faces at their own events. Like, we infiltrate.”

Foval and another Democratic operative Robert Creamer revealed in the hidden video their strategy to create a sense of “anarchy” in and around Trump rallies.

“So the term bird dogging: You put people in the line, at the front which means that they have to get there at six in the morning because they have to get in front at the rally, so that when Trump comes down the rope line, they’re the ones asking him the question in front of the reporter, because they’re pre-placed there,” said Foval. “To funnel that kind of operation, you have to start back with people two weeks ahead of time and train them how to ask questions. You have to train them to bird dog.”

Foval also confessed on tape that his organization has paid mentally-ill and homeless people to take part in political protests.

Foval has now been fired from Americans United for Change.

Trump blamed the media yesterday for not covering the story, but in fact CNN and other media organizations have been all over it. It should be noted that Foval and Creamer are sub-contractors not employed by the Clinton campaign or the Democratic National Committee, the guilt here is only through association.

Expect this to be brought up by Trump during the debate tonight. And no doubt Clinton will mention O’Keefe’s questionable background in response.

The more of the sleaziness in politics like this that can be exposed the better off all Americans will be.

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