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If there’s anything we’ve learned over the past few years, it’s that President Trump is a man who loves nicknames.

There was “Crooked Hillary” “Low IQ Maxine” “Little Marco” “Moonbeam Jerry” “Low-energy Jeb” “Cryin’ Chuck” “Liddle Adam” “Sloppy Steve” “Lyin’ Ted” “Cheatin’ Obama” & “Pocahontas.”

But yesterday, amid a power struggle with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, something unusual happened.

Trump seemed to reach for a nickname, only to come up empty.

“Nancy Pelosi, or Nancy, as I call her, doesn’t want to hear the truth.”

Yes, it would appear Trump attempted to disparage Pelosi by calling her…. her name.


Most on Twitter seemed to agree it was not his best work:

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