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Lucifer’s showrunner/writer Ildy Modrovich has already admitted she’s going crazy not being able to give fans some information about the upcoming season.

Now she’s given us some excellent news regarding the episodes.

In an early morning tweet, she answered a fan who asked for any information about Season 5.

“Hm… mostly sworn to secrecy,” Modrovich responded. “Mostly… Because I CAN tell you that ALL the episodes are SUPERSIZED. Between 50 and 60 mins each. (IE: we’re long-winded mo fos this season.”



Did you catch that?

Long-winded mo fos this season!

So instead of the usual 40 minutes per episode, we’re getting 50-60 minutes in the 16 episodes!

That’s like adding a few extra episodes, and a LOT of extra time for the story line.

And we all know we need the extra time for Lucifer’s return from Hell.

It’s not all that surprising that Ildy would share some news with fans.

Back on April 21 she wrote: “I’m sworn to secrecy at the moment. So… going stir crazy on several levels.”


Lucifer and Amenadiel revenge for Caleb.


Modrovich also responded to director Claudia Yarmy last week that “Super Bad Boyfriend”, which Yarmy directed, is one of her all-time favorite episodes.

“Not ONLY one of my favorite episodes, but also shot by one of my favorite directors (and humans!) on the planet,” wrote Ildy.

It’s a chilling and brutally honest episode, and D.B. Woodside is at his best.

With young Caleb lying dead in the street, Chloe’s assertion that they’ll find Caleb’s killer falls on deaf ears as the brothers bond in a manner we rarely see.


“I’ll drive,” Lucifer tells Amenadiel, acknowledging the shared, unspoken desire to punish those responsible for this heinous crime.

Like Amenadiel and Lucifer, we receive some sense of satisfaction as the brothers pummel the gang, but it’s short lived, especially for Amenadiel whose sudden epiphany drives his next move. “Earth is no place to raise my son.”

From a storytelling perspective there’s not much “Super Bad Boyfriend” lacks, and when we examine its individual components, it’s easily one of the season’s strongest episodes.

JimHeath.TV rated it in the Top 10 Lucifer episodes last year.



So expect even more great moments in SUPERSIZED episodes coming up!

Netflix has still not revealed the drop date for the first 8 episodes of Lucifer Season 5, but it could be later this month.

Negotiations on a possible Season 6 were stalled due to the ongoing pandemic.



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