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In the first clip from ‘Fox News Sunday’ host Chris Wallace’s sit-down with President Trump, the president furiously stops the interview in order to show the anchor proof that Joe Biden wants to ‘defund’ the police – which the Democrat doesn’t.

Wallace teased the interview, saying that Trump had his staff go fetch the highlights from the 110-page compact the Biden team and Sen. Bernie Sanders’ team put together.

‘And he went through it and he found a lot of things that he objected to, that Biden had agreed to, but he couldn’t find any indication, because there isn’t any, that Joe Biden has sought to defund and abolish the police,’ Wallace said.

In the clip, Wallace asked Trump about the recent uptick in shootings in Chicago and New York and asked for his explanation on what’s happening.

‘I explain it very simply by saying they’re Democrat-run cities, they are liberally run. They are stupidly run,’ the president said.

Wallace responded by pointing out that, ‘Liberal Democrats have been running cities in this country for decades.’

‘Poorly,’ the president interjected.

Wallace again tried to get Trump to answer why the violence was particularly bad right now.

‘They run them poorly, it was always bad but now it’s gotten totally out of control and it’s really because they want to defund the police and Biden wants to defund the police,’ Trump said.

Wallace inserted a fact check saying, ‘Sir, he does not.’

‘He signed a charter with Bernie Sanders,’ Trump said, referencing the wide-ranging compact that was released earlier this week.

Wallace again pointed out, ‘It says nothing about defunding the police.’

‘Oh really? It says abolish, it says,’ Trump said, raising his hands, slapping his knees and then turning to someone off-camera. ‘Let’s go! Get me the charter, please.’

The clip cuts off at that minute, but on Fox News Channel, Wallace said it ‘led to a very interesting exchange, where he had his staff go out and get the highlights from that 100-page compact.’



Further teasing the interview, which will air in-full Sunday, Wallace added, ‘but let me say he takes some shots at Joe Biden that I’ve never heard before.’

Wallace also said the interview was hot – speaking not of the president’s temperament, but rather the temperature outside.

‘And if it looks like it was hot on that patio right outside the Oval Office there, it was about 100 degrees, and he kept saying, “who’s idea was this?”‘ Wallace said. ‘Well, of course it was the president’s idea, but he said he wanted to see me sweat.’

The term ‘defund’ is never used in the 110-page document that was crafted by members of both Biden’s and Sanders’ team.

Sanders was the runner-up to the Democratic nomination – and put his weight behind Biden in April.

In the policing section of the document, Democrats call for increased funding of the police when it comes to officers’ health.

‘And we will seek increased funding for officer health and well-being in police departments across the country, including for personal safety equipment and mental health services,’ the document says.

It also says, ‘Democrats also recognize that all too often, systematic cuts to public services have left police officers on the front lines of responding to social challenges for which they have not been trained, from homelessness to mental health crises to the opioid epidemic.’

‘Abolish’ is used four times in the document, but never pertaining to the police.


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