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Members of a neo-Confederate group yelled racist remarks as they paraded in vehicles through a North Carolina college campus in support of President Trump yesterday.

Many of the vehicles carried Trump 2020 flags as they drove through the Elon University campus during a nearly two hour parade route.

Video taken by Elon News Network showed members of Alamance County Taking Back Alamance County, a group designated as a neo-Confederate organization by the Southern Poverty Law Center and in the past labeled a hate group, parading through the middle of Elon University’s campus as well as the surrounding towns of Elon and Graham, N.C.

Other video posted on Twitter by Megan Squire, an Elon University professor, showed some members of the parade shouting the phrase “white power.”



A university official reportedly told students in an email that Elon’s president, Connie Book, had ordered that no-trespass orders be issued to anyone on Elon’s campus caught yelling hateful messages.

“No trespass orders also allow us to keep a record should we encounter issues in the future,” Vice President for Student Life Jon Dooley wrote. “This is our standard procedure when individuals exhibit this kind of behavior.”

The caravan came a day after the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg who died at the age of 87 following a battle with cancer.

North Carolina is considered a must-win state for Trump’s reelection.

Polls show Democratic nominee Joe Biden with a slight edge.



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