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Randy Rainbow released a new parody song today taking aim at unstable GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Greene has had a very busy few weeks since getting elected last November: Her tweets were repeatedly flagged by Twitter for misinformation and she was temporarily suspended.

Old footage and social media posts from her pre-Congress days keep cropping up, showing her embrace of the Qanon conspiracy theory as well as calls to execute Democratic lawmakers, the bogus claim that the Parkland school shooting was a “false flag,” and the idea that a recent wildfire was somehow started with a laser from space.

Democratic Rep. Cori Bush moved her office away from Greene’s last week, citing online spats and a maskless, in-person encounter.

Now, House Democrats are working to remove her from her committees and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell himself publicly chided her for her “loony lies and conspiracy theories.”

Rainbow’s take on the freshman representative, to the tune of Evergreen, was equally harsh.

“While these schmos happily write her checks, she blames Muslims and satanic pizza sex,” he sang, referencing various conspiracy theories.

One refrain ever-present through the song? “What the f—?”


WATCH: Randy Rainbow on Marjorie Taylor Greene.


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