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Does billionaire Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president, have financial interests in Russia or not?

It depends on which of his sons you ask.

Donald Trump Jr.:

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

Eric Trump:

“We had no assets in Russia, we have no debt in Russia. I think we held Miss Universe in Russia, I think that’s the extent of our business dealings.”

So which is it? Is Trump loaded up on significant loans from Russian investors? Or, as Eric suggests, have their been no business dealings besides Miss Universe?

It matters to the American people because it is the only way we can “follow the money” as Trump says often on the stump. Who owes what to whom?

We can find out which Trump son has been telling us the truth when their dad releases his tax returns.

He promised a year ago he would do that before the election. I’m sure he won’t break a promise.

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