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Donald Trump once proclaimed “I don’t settle lawsuits!” but, like a lot of what we’ve learned about the president-elect, his words are only as good for the seconds he tweets them.

After a year of denying he would, Trump has now agreed to settle a lawsuit brought against Trump University and pay millions to his former students.

“Today’s $25 million settlement agreement is a stunning reversal by Donald Trump and a major victory for the over 6,000 victims of his fraudulent university,” said New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. “I am pleased that under the terms of this settlement, every victim will receive restitution and that Donald Trump will pay up to $1 million in penalties to the State of New York for violating state education laws. The victims of Trump University have waited years for today’s result and I am pleased that their patience — and persistence — will be rewarded by this $25 million settlement.”

The surprising change of heart by Trump stops a jury trial which had been scheduled to start next week. In February, Trump tweeted that he would not settle the case “out of principle.”

That was in contrast to what he tweeted today after settling the case after all.

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