WATCH: Jim On History Recap Season 1 – Preview Of F-16 Flight!
Jim on History's first season on YouTube is now history. The first three-month run was a big success, with one of the episodes attracting over 20,000 views. In total, the first season garnered nearly 5,000 new subscribers to the Jim Heath Channel, and tens of...
WATCH: Discussing Western Water Crisis With Obama A DOZEN Years Ago
Jim on History analyzes the ongoing water crisis out west. Jim Heath and Barack Obama briefly discussed western water concerns over a dozen years ago in South Carolina. The conversation happened before the start of a formal interview back in 2007. This week, water...
WATCH: Jim On History – Garth Brooks Hugs The Presidents!
At Joe Biden's inauguration, Garth Brooks performed a stirring rendition of the classic spiritual "Amazing Grace." Jim on History looks back to his performance, and more importantly, what happened afterwards. Brooks, in a sign of true bipartisanship, made sure to...
Let Freedom Ring: The Battle For Mosul
Everyone in America, and around the world, who loves freedom should be paying very close attention to Iraq this Monday morning. In the city of Mosul a war has begun to help free a major city on earth from tyranny. MOSUL, IRAQ For the past two years over 1.5 million...
No Excuse, Absolutely Despicable
It's political terrorism pure and simple. Someone early this morning threw a Molotov cocktail through the front window of Orange County, North Carolina’s GOP headquarters, setting campaign signs, supplies and furniture on fire. A swastika and “Nazi Republicans get...
Trump At War With Ohio GOP
Just 22 days to go until the election and what is the Trump campaign doing in the state on top of their "must-win" list? Attacking Ohio Republican Party chief Matt Borges of course. Understand how successful the Ohio GOP has been in recent elections. Republicans...
Nebraska Paper Breaks Tradition: Endorses Clinton
The Omaha World-Herald, the largest daily newspaper in Nebraska, last endorsed a Democratic candidate for president in 1932. That endorsement went to Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Here are the endorsements they have made since: 1936: Alf Landon, Republican 1940:...
Trump “Pro Whore” & Endorsed By Famous Brothel
Evangelical conservatives, including Jerry Falwell Jr. and Ralph Reed, have remained loyal to the casino-owning Donald Trump, and now they have been joined in that support by prostitutes at the most famous brothel in Nevada – the Bunny Ranch.Movie Rings...
Battleground Florida Papers All Endorse Clinton
It is a mathematical fact that Donald Trump cannot reach 270 electoral votes without the 29 from Florida. There is no path to victory for him without carrying the Sunshine State. So it is especially bad news that every major newspaper is hammering his candidacy...
FOX News Poll Is Disaster For Republicans
Donald Trump today claimed that there is a "global conspiracy" against him. But a new Fox News poll points to Trump himself, no one else, for being such a weak candidate that he could cost Republicans control of Congress on election day. The poll finds that Hillary...
More Women Come Forward Against Trump
Almost any other Republican would certainly be running ahead of Hillary Clinton in the battleground states at this point. An experienced politician would have been fully vetted in prior campaigns, so the focus would now be fixed Clinton's long public career, her...
Salt Lake Tribune Backs Clinton; Utah Now Tied
Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim and Republicans gotta carry Utah in presidential elections. But not this year according to the conservative editorial board of the Salt Lake Tribune which today endorsed Hillary Clinton and not Donald Trump. "There is certainly not...
WAR! Trump Targets Republicans As GOP Tent Collapses
"You are either with us or against us." That's the word from former House Speaker Newt Gingrich who is one of only a few establishment Republicans who have backed Donald Trump's bid for the White House. If you're a Republican, the time is now. Which side are you...