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Suspected Florida MAGA bomber Cesar Sayoc is a “lost and sick individual” who isolated himself from his family but eventually “found a father” in President Trump, his family’s lawyer said.

Sayoc, 56, who is accused of sending a slew of packages containing explosive devices to high-profile liberals was abandoned by his father as a child and ‘told his mother that he hated her,’ Miami lawyer Ronald Lowy said.

“This was someone lost, he was looking for anything and he found a father in Trump,” Lowy told reporters today.

Sayoc’s father is Filipino and his mother is Italian. However the steroid-abusing bodybuilder claimed to be of Native American descent because he was trying to create an identity – which he found by becoming obsessed with Trump, Lowy revealed.

“He doesn’t seem to recognize reality. He lives in a fantasy world,” Lowy said. “The signs of mental illness are clearly there.”

Sayoc, 56, was taken into custody on Friday morning in Plantation, Florida and he faces 48 years in prison for mailing 14 pipe bombs to a host of Democrats and other prominent figures who have been among Trump’s most vocal detractors.

The packages — virtually identical in plain manila envelopes — have been addressed to former President Barack Obama; former Vice President Joe Biden; former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; Representative Maxine Waters of California; former Attorney General Eric Holder; John Brennan, a former C.I.A. director, the actor Robert De Niro; and George Soros, the billionaire Democratic donor.

Conservatives had attempted to float the idea that Sayoc was a “false flag” and not a Trump backer, but that conspiracy theory was a bust.

Sayoc is charged with five federal crimes, including interstate transportation of an explosive, illegal mailing of explosives, threats against a former president, threatening interstate communications, and assaulting current and former federal officers.

Sayoc will face the charges in federal court in Manhattan after an initial court appearance in Florida.

Five of the improvised devices involved in the case were recovered in the Southern District of New York.

Sayoc has a vast criminal past which started nearly 30 years ago and includes arrests in 2002 for threatening to ‘blow up’ Florida Power and Light and an arrest in 1991 for grand theft auto.

Lowy, who represented Sayoc in four prior criminal cases, said the suspected mail bomber had trouble articulating concepts and ‘doesn’t live life in a normal way’. He also claimed that Sayoc demonstrated “a complete lack of comprehension of reality.”

Disturbingly, Sayoc’s former boss at a pizza restaurant told how he openly admitted being a ‘white supremacist’ who was anti-gay, anti-Jewish and “wanted to purify society.”

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