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Jim on History
Jim on History drops new episodes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday exclusively on the Jim Heath Channel.


Judge Character, Not Color

In one of the most historic moments of 2016 -- and arguably one of the most beautiful -- Barack and Michelle Obama, along with George and Laura Bush, opened the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. Obama, America's...

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The Boss Calls Trump A Moron

On the day Donald Trump's son Eric told a reporter his dad "started with nothing" (Trump actually grew up in one of the wealthiest families in New York and was given a million dollars from his dad to start his business) the greatest living performer on earth called...

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Metadata Predicted Brexit, Now It Predicts Trump

The startup company that correctly predicted the Brexit vote, based on a whole bunch of the web's metadata, is now predicting Donald Trump will become America's 45th president. "Trump is dominating the campaign because he simply puts more stuff out there, and it’s...

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Ohio Natives Aboard The Trump Train

No Republican has ever won the White House without first winning Ohio's electoral votes. That's why Donald Trump, without the endorsement or support from Ohio Gov. John Kasich, is visiting the state nearly every other day. Wednesday two Buckeye State natives made...

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Trump Took From You, Paid His Lawyers

Let's say one of your favorite celebrities starts their own charity. You see an ad on Facebook asking you to donate some cash so the money can go to "worthwhile causes" that help and support people. Now let's say that same celebrity has run up some huge legal bills...

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President Bush Backs Hillary Clinton

One of the most respected men in the history of the American presidency, George H. W. Bush, has let it slip that he's voting for the wife of his former adversary Bill Clinton. In a post on her Facebook page, Kathleen Hartington, the daughter of Robert F. Kennedy,...

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