by Jim Heath | Apr 5, 2016 | Commentary, Conventions, Delegates, Republicans
When Republican delegates from across the country arrive in Cleveland in July there will be one thing on their mind: Who can beat Hillary Clinton in November. I have some experience in delegate thinking as I’ve written about previously. If Donald Trump or Ted...
by Jim Heath | Apr 4, 2016 | Commentary, Delegates, Democrats, Headlines, Republicans
Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz will win Wisconsin. And it won’t matter one bit. The Sanders campaign has all but admitted moving forward they are toast. According to the New York Times, the campaign is already analyzing where it went wrong. From too little...
by Jim Heath | Apr 1, 2016 | Commentary, Democrats, Republicans
It was 1980. My first involvement in a political campaign. The economy was in a shambles. Runaway inflation was 14.5 percent. Costs were so high that many Americans struggled to buy basic groceries. Interest rates hit 20 percent, and most Americans were not buying...
by Jim Heath | Mar 30, 2016 | Commentary, Headlines, Republicans
Billionaire reality TV host Donald Trump, appearing on CNN’s Larry King Live back in 1999, said that liquor companies, like tobacco companies, should be sued for the destruction they cause families. “I’d come down tough on alcohol,” said Trump....
by Jim Heath | Mar 25, 2016 | Commentary, Headlines, Republicans
In my book Front Row Seat at the Circus I write about meeting and interviewing John and Elizabeth Edwards eight years ago. In the chapter I note that the National Enquirer scooped all of us by uncovering and reporting on the ongoing affair John Edwards was having with...
by Jim Heath | Mar 21, 2016 | Commentary, Republicans
John Oliver, host of Last Week Tonight, offers his witty analysis of Donald Trump’s proposed wall on the Mexican...